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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Gatti Vision the leading provider of vision care products and services in King City.

Dr. Amber Dunn

Dr. Dunn is an Optometrist in King City providing complete eye care services for the surrounding communities.

As a licensed optometrist, Dr. Dunn provides exams, diagnoses, and treatments of all disorders that affect the eye or vision. In addition to training in eye diseases and disorders, Dr. Dunn is also trained in anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology. With this background, Dr. Dunn is trained to recognize a range of health issues; such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetes, and hypertension.

Dr. Dunn completed a residency at the Roseburg VA in Roseburg Oregon specializing in geriatric care and ocular disease. Beyond her residency, Dr. Dunn works hard to stay current on the latest advances in eye health and vision care and regularly attends continuing education seminars and advanced training courses. It is because of Dr. Dunn’s dedication to continuing education that our King City patients receive the most modern and progressive vision care available.

Dr. Dunn is highly active in Organized optometry. As a student she represented her school on the board of trustees, and in her fourth year of school was elected the Vice President of all the optometry schools in the nation. Since graduation she has been appointed to a committee within the American Optometric Association to help transition student membership to doctor membership post graduation. Dr. Dunn has traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with politicians to lobby for optometry several times.

In addition to being an optometrist, Dr. Dunn enjoys snowboarding, hiking and camping. She has a wonderful husband and 9 year old son along with 2 dogs, 5 chickens, 1 cat and a fish. Dr. Dunn and her husband also coach the cheerleading program at Pacific University.

Alex – Receptionist

Our receptionist Alex started her carrier as a dental assistant and is now pursing the optometry field. She enjoys spending time with her husband, four furry pets and coaching cheerleading at a local high school. Alex and Dr. Dunn met during their time at Portland State where they both cheered together.